
ice-cream soda

.ice-cream 'soda
a mixture of ice cream, sweet syrup, and soda water, served in a tall glass
1. When he takes me out, he always buys me ice cream.

2. We had ice cream for dessert.

3. We all played with snow and ice.

4. When he takes me out, he always buys me ice cream.

5. When he takes me out, he always buys me ice cream.

6. When snow or ice was on the ground, it was impossible for him to walk, even with help.

7. We found a table close to the stage. He ordered half a liter of beer and I ordered a grape soda.

8. When I casually mentioned to a colleague that I was looking into skin cream that claimed to beat back the destruction that comes with age, her worries poured out.

9. The ice cracked as I stepped onto it.

10. The cream dissolves facial hair.
